Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"I think I'll go to law school today!"

The day approaches. In just under a month I will be returning to school to pursue a law degree.  Crazy, right?  People keep telling me I'm crazy and saying things like, "there are too many lawyers in this world" or "the job market's looking pretty slim for lawyers as of late."  All things I'm grateful to hear after spending countless hours studying for the LSAT and applying to schools.  Wasted effort, right?  Because I just woke up one day and decided I was going to go to law school...

Anywho, I will be making my way up the coastline and moving to the sunny and crowded Los Angeles.  I'm both excited and a bit nervous, as should be expected.  Law school is a pretty big deal and living in a big city and going to law school is a really big deal.  Making my way up the coast from San Diego, then to Orange County and now onto Los Angeles seems a bit backwards.  I feel as if I should be going the other way round.

I will definitely miss my undergraduate experience in San Diego but I'm glad to be going somewhere I've never lived before as to make new friends (hopefully) and have new experiences (that don't include Netflix).  And I'm getting all prepped for school by checking my schedule every day, harassing the financial aid office on a fairly regular basis, and looking for a place to live that hopefully isn't crime-ridden or sketchy.  Also, binge watching any shows I am currently watching as to not be distracted by them come fall.  All very important tasks.

I'm nervous and ready and scared and fearless.  A walking contradiction.  I guess the thought of law school can do that to a person.  Make them perhaps a little insane.

Well, see you in three years!
